The Walmart Bench


The Walmart Bench




When Pam and I go out to Walmart to grocery shop,
And finish filling our grocery list with things they stock,
I sit on the bench in front and watch people go on by.
As she gets in the checkout line our stuff to buy.


Welcome to the Walmart Store.









The Walmart Bench




When I shop with Pam, I ride on one of their carts,
Because if I walk far to shop, my legs seriously smart.
So I cruise those aisles kind of feeling like an old crip,
Until we get through, and I head for the bench to sit.

This one’s all charged up and ready for you, sir.











With nothing else to do, I watch people passing through,
Right in front of me of all sizes and shapes I assure you.
I would like to take pictures but Pam says it’s not nice.
As Walmart draws people from all over for the cheap price.

Oh my goodness, take a look at that one.











I notice that about 90 % of the people I do see there,
Are quite a bit overweight, more so that me, I do fear.
Sometimes a lady walks by with a huge butt so big,
Wearing shorts with half her butt showing like a pig.








I looked on the Internet to see if there are others like her,
And I found the same lady in another Walmart out there.
So I guess it must be a common sight for us to see,
But they could dress better to shop in front of you and me.

Now that is very disgusting.











I notice there are now a lot of young girls with tattoos,
While I sit on the bench staring as by me they do cruise.
It seems such a shame to have that permanent ink,
All over their young bodies that won’t wash off in the sink.

Now that is a lot of body ink.











This afternoon there was an old woman in there,
In a very low cut top so her boobs were so bare.
She may have looked good forty years ago, I think,
But doesn’t she realize, those floppy boobs now stink.

Don’t you just love my new low cut top?








I think the biggest mistake the people do now make,
Is they don’t in their own mirror, a good look take,
Before heading on out to the Walmart Store to shop,
And say “Oh My Gosh I can’t go out in public, I must stop.”








About once a month when I am sitting there so still,
Watching every single person strolling by for thrills,
A very good looking lady just walks right on by me,
Glancing back to see if she got my attention completely.

I wish they would all dress like this fine lady.











I watched her until she got on out those front doors.
As she strutted along knowing the men in that store,
All had their eyes fixed on her and they would not stray.
Whoops, here comes Pam so I better look on away.

You ready to go now, sorry it took so long.











I guess I have been a people watcher all of my years,
As other people’s styles and actions eased my own fears.
It seems in the Walmart store, some people don’t care,
What other people think of them as they shop there.








By Bill







Thanks for reading The Walmart Bench,