The Three Of Us


The Three Of Us




There’s three great guys that I have known very well,
As I traveled through life sometimes raising hell.
We three guys were so close as out there we did fly,
Real fine country fellows called “Me”, “Myself”, and “I”.








The Three Of Us




“I” was always a good guy that kept “Me” going right,
Always walking the straight and narrow day and night.
He was the part that allowed “Me” to share alI “l” had,
And kept “Myself” from doing things that were so bad.

This is “I”.










“I” learned to love family and friends along the way,
Even though sometimes “I” was tempted to stray.
“I” managed to keep “Myself” squared away so fine,
And “I” kept “Myself” above board all of the time.

This is “Me”.










“I” always tried to give more to others than “I” received.
Even though some bad people did often “Me” deceive.
Just to get whatever they could from “Me” for free,
But “I” suspected what “Myself” surely could see.

This is “Myself”.










So “I” was the good part of “Me” as “I” did strife,
And the gullible, easy going part gave “Me” new life.
While “l” kept “Myself” out of hassles in the ranks,
To keep him out of trouble for his mischievous pranks.








But “I” think “Myself” was an an important part of “Me”
And “I” and “Myself” did need “Me”, to function you see.
As we all complimented each other having lots of fun.
While we all went through life together together as one.

This is “Me”, “Myself,” and “I” all rolled into one as an old man about done.










You can see “Me”, “Myself”, and “I” were all needed,
So as “I” lived with “Me”, “Myself” ensured we succeeded.
I think this little ditty turned out to be so very strange.
Because “I” let “Myself” run berserk out on the range.







Perhaps it takes three different personalities for all of us,
The straight guy trying to toe the line with no fuss,
The gullible easy going guy letting it all hang on out,
And mysterious mischievous guy taking risks, no doubt.








These three guys are surely present inside everyone.
The dominating personalities as we make our life’s run,
Makes us all different individuals so life is not boring,
Traveling life’s road while memories we are all storing.








By Bill




PS:  After I proof read this I began to wonder if Alsheimers has infected my brain, but if you read it two or three times it makes more sense.






Thanks for reading The Three Of Us,