The McRib


The McRib



Recently, there was some information published about the McRib that indicated the McRib sandwich meat from McDonalds might contain lips, eyelids, assholes, hog jaw and the like. I didn’t really care too much about what they were saying because I have always liked the McRib. Here’s a little of my history with the McRiib.




The McRib


I first ran across the McRib in the early 1980s in North Houston. Our girls were 8 and 5 years old, and McDonalds was their very favorite place to eat. Consequently. we ate there a lot, and I always got the McRib. If they were putting in asshole and lips, I didn’t care because I just liked them.



Ummmmm, I love the McRib sandwich.

When the girls got a little older, we didn’t eat at McDonalds as much, but I still always got the McRib when we did.  Sometime after we moved to Bartlesville, they started selling the McRib for only 3 or 4 months a year. I never could understand why they didn’t leave the sandwich on the market all year round, but I still buy them when they are available. Perhaps this action was bad management on McDonalds part.




Recently, McDonalds began to fight back about some of the rumors flying around about their products, and made their own video showing exactly what goes into the McRib. Guess what, there are no assholes and lips in the McRib, it’s only pork meat. The YouTube video below was produced by McDonards.




By the way, my wife Pam has loved the McRib in the past as much as I have. At each of those stops in the past where I got a McRib, she got one too. In fact, we have both been known to get two McRibs each for lunch sometimes and consume every bite of them. She had about decided to never eat another one. Perhaps this information will bring her back to the McRib once more.



Thanks for reading The McRib,