Talking The Talk

Talking The Talk


During the 1950’s and 1960’s, the kids didn’t have all the communication devices they have now, so we spent a lot more time talking to each other face to face. There was a lot of things we talked about that were kind of fun. Here’s a few things I remember.



Talking The Talk



Tongue Twisters


Tongue twisters were fun and we always had contests to see who could say them the fastest without getting their tongue twisted in a knot. Here’s a few that I recall:


She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.”


“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.”


“Great green globs of greasy grimy gorilla grunt.”


“Pretty pink pails of purple polluted panther pee.”


Now where did you put that pink bucket, I need to pee again.


Try saying these as fast as you can while eating peanut butter.



Little Moron Jokes


There were thousands of little moron jokes being transferred between kids every where. Here’s an example of a couple I remember.


What did the little moron say when he slid down the telephone pole? “Goodness gracious great balls of fire.”


Why did the little moron throw butter out the window? “He wanted to see a butterfly.”


We’ll look at that, it’s another butterfly..

Most of these were pretty corny, but it gave us something to do.


Knock Knock Jokes


There were thousands of knock knock jokes floating around in that era also. Here’s a couple of these I remember also.


Bill: Knock, knock.
Bob: Who’s there?
Bill: Autch.
Bob: Autch who?
Bill: Gesundheit Bob, I didn’t know you had a cold.



Bill: Knock, knock.
Bob: Who’s there?
Bill: Boo.
Bob: Boo who?
Bill: Why are you crying Bob, are you sad?


As you can see, these were a bit corny too. So on to something else.


Advertising Jingles


There were quite a few advertising jingles that we copied and verbalized while fooling around with our friends. Here are a couple I recall.


From the valley of the Jolly, Ho Ho Ho, green giant.”


“Oh, I want to be an Oscar Mayer wiener,
That is what is I’d
 really love to be,

Cause if I were an Oscar Meyer wiener,

Everyone would be in love with me.”



The Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile in the 1950s.



Times were fun back in the 1950’s.



Modified Advertising Jingles


Some of the jingles we worked over a little to make them a little more fun. Here’s a few of those I can recall.


Pepsi Cola hits the spot, ten minutes later on the pot.”


“Northern Tissue, Northern Tissue is a very good buy,
Northern Tissue, Northern Tissue wipes your bottom dry.”


Does your liver quiver, does your heart fart, if so, take Carter’s Little Liver Pills.”


Get ready for some liver and heart action with Carter’s Little Liver Pills. 



We had a lot of fun with these as we thought we were being a little nasty. Compared to what goes on today, we were little angels.



Quirky Book/Author Combinations


These were kind of fun also and just a bit on the risqué side.
Here’s a few that stuck with me.


The Yellow River”. by I. P. Freely


“Under The Bleachers” by Seymour Butts


“Revenge Of The Tiger” by Claude Balls


“Blood On The Hurdle”. by Wun Hung Lo



Whew, that was too close for comfort.



Made Up Languages


Of course we all knew “Pig Latin” , but so did the teachers, so at Phillips High School we developed a new language that they never did master. We could communicate without them knowing what we were saying. I devoted a whole blog earlier describing “Double Talk” so I’ll leave with a sentence to unravel to see how good your memory is.


Wulfun olfuve thelfee belfest silfingerlfers olfuve thelfee filfiftilfees walfus Elfelvulfus Prelfeslelfey.


Did you get it?



Here’s a link to the Oscar Mayer Wiener song.on YouTube.






Thanks for reading Talking The Talk,
