Running Into Old Friends


Running Into Old Friends



Seeing old friends brings back good memories that last.

We danced and had great fun with them far back in our past.

This poem is about the meetings with those friends we did see,

And good feelings we had that made us so very  happy.





Running Into Old Friends


In recent months we have run into several of our old friends,
It’s so good to see those friends that the good Lord sends.
To remind us of fun times from some of the years from our past.
It’s really hard to believe we have all gotten old so fast




We ran into Terri who clogged with the Country Rhythm team
At the Golden Corral eating our food from the buffet scene.
Terri danced in the front and always had a smile on her face,
She has a daughter, Christie, who also clogged at our pace.


Just last week we ran into Karla at the Ramona Cherokee Casino,
She called us by name and hugged us with a big friendly hello.
Pam didn’t recognize her since she had changed so very much,
So I informed her and she found her again to visit about old stuff.




Karla and her husband Wade were members of the Rhythm Aces,
Our fun clogging team, they traveled with us to all kinds of places,
To clog in exhibitions and competitions is great fun to sustain.
We all had a great time and the clogging did entertain.




A few weeks ago we had a visit from our friends John and Sue.
They were original members of our old “Mickey Mouse Gang” crew.
We looked at old pictures and remembered our old fun times,
When we square danced together with friends that were fine.


A few months ago at a local cafe, we ran into Fred and Paulette,
That clog danced with us in Misques And Cuties fun dance set.
They also clogged with us in Country Rhythm, Rhythm Aces,
And T Town Country Cloggers at many many fun place



A year or so ago we ran into Kay and Mark at the Osage Casino.
Kay was in Rhythm Aces “Big Balls in Cowtown” routine in show.
She was the littlest bull, the one with the very rounded cute tail.
She danced many competition routines with us and never did fail.



We also saw Gary and Paula who clogged with us from the start.
We danced with them, BrieAnn and Casey and never did part.
The years just flew on by because we were all having a blast.
It was so nice to see good friends from straight out of our past.



We are so proud of all of the friends we made while having fun,
Oh those memories we made during those years on the run.
Will remain with us always and forever until our dying day.
If we see you again, we will grin big and a happy hello we will say.


By Bill






Thanks for reading Running Into Old Friends,
