Road Rage

Road Rage


Some drivers do things while driving that put me into a rage,
I know this is not so good for me, especially in my old age.
This poem documents some of the things that dirty drivers do,
That irritate me to no end and get my temper flaring too.




Road Rage


Most of us spent a lot of time behind the wheel of our cars.
There are some other driver actions that just give me internal scars.
There’s the guy traveling well below the speed you start to pass
Who speeds up blocking you off, I’d love just to whip his ass.



Then there’s the lady that tail gates you riding right on your butt,
Then passes you and slows down blocking you, what a dirty slut.
My face gets red and I floor board the car leaving her in the dust,
And flip her the bird as I pass by, as very select words I do cuss.



There’s the guy that pulls out in front of you from a side road,
And you can’t change lanes as a truck is passing with a load.
You slam on the brakes to keep from running over his dead ass,
As he slowly increases speed from 10 to 20 mph with the gas.



Then there’s the guy that always rides the left lane at one speed
And gets next to a guy in the right lane running parallel indeed.
They block the road at the same speed so you just cannot pass,
While going 10 mph below the posted limit just you to harass.



There’s the dude behind you that sees you are about to pass,
And pulls out fast from behind to cut you off so you will be last.
You have to hit the brake and wait for him to get on past,
So you can floor board it and run back by his dirty little ass.



Sometimes there are problems on the road that delay traffic.
As you are patiently waiting in line not feeling too terrific,
Some drivers pull from way behind onto the shoulder of the road
And pass us by like they’re some kind of special road hog toads.



This action irritates me and makes me say a few select words,
But what aggravates me most about those ugly road turds.
Is that someone ahead of me always let’s them back in the lane.
As I remain a foot from the car ahead, oh what a dirty shame.



While doing 70mph on the highway, the car ahead signals a turn,
He starts slowing a mile before the side road, and I begin to burn.
He slows to 10mph and runs there for a quarter mile like a bum.
The traffic is heavy so passing is out, so to a stop I do come.



I often believe that other drivers do things just to irritate me,
But, then I think about it for a long while, and I do easily see,
That those drivers out there that pull all of those crazy actions
Are just stupid idiot drivers looking for my bad ass reactions.



I guess I have only a mild case of road rage against the dummies,
But their stunts, they make me want to make their heads lumpy.
Sometimes I feel like I’d like to thrash them with a long bull whip,
But to them their actions are probably just a big old ego trip.


By Bill



Thanks for reading Road Rage,