Remember When


Remember When


Just reminiscing a little about a few things I remember well from when I was a young boy. Perhaps this will stir some of your memories also.



Remember When


Remember when we were young boys,and every time we got down by a lake, we would start looking for flat rocks and have a contest to see who could get the most skips with a single toss of the rock. I can remember getting up to 10 skips on one throw.




That was a 6 skip toss, you’re going to have to do better that that to beat Bill.



Remember when the kids in the neighborhood got together and played “Kick The Can” in the evenings. We would set the can at a central location and who ever was “it” would cover his eyes and count to 100 while all the other kids went and hid. “It” would then start hunting the other kids. When he found someone, he would holler his name and the race was on to get to the can first to kick it. If “It” beat the other guy to the can and kicked it, then the new guy was “It” and so on.




Okay Rocky, I beat you to the can and kicked it, now it’s your turn to be “it”. 



Remember when the ice cream truck would come around every Saturday morning. When we first heard the music played by the truck, we would run to the house to get money from Mom, then run back out to the truck and buy our favorite ice cream. I would often get the “Nutty Buddy” in the brown cone.




I’ll have the Nutty Buddy with vanilla ice cream and the brown cone please.



Remember when we all watched Elvis Presley sing rock and roll live on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1956 in black and white, and they wouldn’t hardly drop the camera below his waste because they were afraid he would do some of those sexy wiggles with his lower body.




Someone tell that camera man to get that camera back above his waist.



Remember when teenage idol, James Dean, wrecked his sports car and was killed in a terrible car wreck in September,1955, shortly after he finished filming “Rebel Without A Cause”. What a shock to the world.




I never thought I’d make eighteen. Every morning I look in the mirror and say..what, you still here?”




Remember when the super popular weekly TV show “Your Hit Parade” shut down in 1959 because they didn’t have anyone that could even come close to singing the Elvis Presley Rock and Roll songs that were on top on the charts nearly every week. Snooky Lanson may have killed the show with his version of “Hound Dog”



imageThat’s the stars of “Your Hit Parade” TV show including Snooky Lanson, Johnny Desmond, Dorthy Collins, and Gisele Mackensie.




Thanks for reading Remember When,