Phillips High Study Hall


Phillips High Study Hall


You would think study hall would be the most boring class of all,
But at Phillips High, there was always action in the study hall.
So this poem gives a few examples of what I saw back then,
While attending that study class with my classmates therein. Continue reading

A Walk In The Woods


A Walk In The Woods


My grandsons Luke and Zack occasionally like a bedtime story,
So I prepared this poem for them with both suspense and glory.
Try reading it to your grandsons when they get fairly tall.
I’m sure they will be able enjoy it then, and understand it all. Continue reading

Norman Cornelius Kendrick


Norman Cornelius Kendrick


Norman Cornelius Kendrick was my Mother’s older brother,
That makes him my uncle with very similar genes to my mother.
This poem is just an overview of Uncle Norman from those days,
From before my birth until he reached old age and passed away. Continue reading

Hawg Jaw Nachos


Hawg Jaw Nachos


I’m a fast and easy, tastes good guy, when it comes to snacks,
So here’s a treat I whip up for Pam and I when a hunger attack
Shows up late at night while streaming in the “Blacklist” TV show,
That is a bit spicy, but it kills those old hunger pangs, you know. Continue reading




I think anyone out there over 60 who grew up in the good old USA,
Remembers Burma-Shave advertisements back then in their day.
This poem recalls some of the entertainment provided by them,
As we traveled the highways with our parents way back then. Continue reading

Words Our Moms Used


Words Our Moms Used


When I was a young boy being raised by my Mom at home,
She used some strange words that were originated on her own.
Later when I met Pam’s Mom, she had a few I learned then too.
So this poem discusses just a few Mom words from those two. Continue reading

Pop A Top


Pop A Top


I have opened a lot of beer through the years,
So I may be an expert on opening that cheer,
This poem covers from 1958 until about 2010,
If I could go back once more, I’d do it again
Continue reading