More Little Girls


More Little Girls


I’ve always thought that little girls are so very sweet like honey,
But when they get older they always require a lot of money.
Nevertheless, they are certainly worth every single little dime,
As they give you all of their fine love every minute of your time.




More Little Girls


There have been a lot of little girls in our familys in the past,
Looking so pretty when they were little, growing so very fast.
Those pictures of them when they were very young are so great.
So I’ll take you backwards in history to peek at them in that state.





The latest young lady is my granddaughter Sarah at her best,
What a pretty little girl she was then, of that I certainly do attest.
With those beautiful hazel eyes and her wonderful hair curls.
She is so very lovely, our pride and joy, a very special little girl.









This little beauty is my daughter Tamara looking so very fine,
Sitting grinning almost ready to laugh during her happy time.
Such a fine young lady she was way back in those very fun days.
Always ready to play with her daddy in the house where they stayed.









Look at my niece Deborah sitting in that chair looking so cute,
With a little sweet smirk on her face that no one could ever repute.
Those special things little girls do make us love them even more,
Looks like she’s having the time of her life there rocking on the floor.









My lovely daughter Kristi is laughing out loud and having a ball.
Sitting there in that polka dotted sailor suit looking like a doll,
With her curly hair shining in the light with that little red bow.
What a pleasure it has been to raise this little girl we love so.









Here’s my niece Denise looking so very sweet sitting right there,
With her fancy Easter Bonnet on, looking way off into the air,
And her golden blonde hair with that fancy fluffy dress so fine,
Her little hands seem to be praying way back then at that time.









Look at this pretty young lady named Janell, Pam’s sweet cousin,
That big old bow in her dark hair and those big old brown eyes,
Makes this beauty look like a young princess soon to be a queen.
With that frilly dress, she’s seems to be saying ” Life is so keen.”









Ah yes, this young lady is my lovely wife by the name of Pam.
With a bit of a risqué outfit on for walking the floor fast as she can.
With that beautiful black hair and those sweet chubby cheeks,
What a wonderful lady this little beauty grew to be, so unique.









Here’s Pam’s sister Darena with a cute snarl on her face so dear.
On this fine day in the past things just didn’t go her way, I fear,
As I’ve seen that look in more recent years as I teased her so,
But she was still a real little beauty as that sweet girl that We know.









Finally, this beauty on that old antique chair is my sister JerrylDine.
She was a real lovely young lady, our family’s little girl queen,
With those sparkling eyes and her cute little smile so sweet,
Dressed in her Sunday best, with those white shoes on her feet.






By Bill



Thanks for reading More Little Girls,