More Hot July Toons


More Hot July Toons



Well, I drew a few more Bighead toons during July,
So I’ll throw a few more out there for you all to try.
Even if I sometimes recall some those little guys twice,
As I look back through them sometimes myself to entice.







More Hot July Toons



“Swatter” could very well be me out swatting at bees,
Out on my patio in the spring for my neighbors to see.
As those wood bees are swarming real thick out there,
As I swing at them knocking them right out of the air.











“Unigoat” came to mind after I drew the Wirz Wolf with Zack,
I guess I was in the mood to draw monsters so black.
So a one horned, sharp toothed goat with claws appeared,
On my pad in front of me from right out of nowhere.












“Porky” is a guy I see in the mirror every single day,
As I can’t stay away from strawberry ice cream, I say.
So he’s always fresh on my mind ready to hit the pad,
Perhaps the most prolific character I’ve ever had.












“Bucky” was a kid where I lived in Phillips on third street,
He played with a plastic bladed pin wheel so sweet,
Always blowing on it hard to keep it spinning around,
As we played in the back yard on the grassy ground.












“Booger” is a guy I dreamed about when I was five,
With a bloody eye and a hunched up back so high.
He’s holding a big knife with a very long curved blade,
Keeping me awake with the big fuss that he made.












“Humpy” is a fly that I used to catch Rio Grande trout,
So this guy could be me, Craig, Dad, or Mike out and about,
Fixing to to flip a humpy dry fly upstream to float down,
To entice a trout to rise for dinner that is called a Brown.











“Chicken Lips”was likely brought to mind by my Kristi,
Who raises lots of those back yard chickens, you see.
Real chickens don’t have any lips as far as I can tell,
But this Bighead toon sure does, with feet and a tail.












“No Butt At All” resulted from a friend of my old Dads,
That he called No Ass Wallace up the street so rad.
He didn’t have any butt cheeks at all where he sat,
I guess my toon could be related to that old tom cat.











“Frank” is a cowboy singer that really wanted to play ball,
I think Charlie Pride influenced this toon standing tall,
As he too was a ball player in his early years back then,
That tried baseball first, and then sang very well to win.











“Millard” had a blue green uniform he wore looking fine
Working at a hotel where I once stayed one time.
I guess I should have put a plunger in his right hand,
Instead of that army shovel not looking so grand.











“Hot Head” is a guy that I saw on the NCIS show so fine,
Who lost his bad temper and shot and killed a marine.
Gibbs, Dinozzo, McGee, and Schuto will sniff him out,
And put him In prison for 40 long years, no doubt.












By Bill








Thanks for reading More Hot July Toons,