More Deadly Medicines


More Deadly Medicines


Here is a case where I was recently put on two new medications and both of them almost put me down. Watch those new Medications closely.




More Deadly Medicines


After we got got back from our trip to Beavers Bend, I started having this horrendously nasty gas and I got a bad case of diarrhea. Carl had picked up a bug while we were there, so I thought I had caught a bug from him. After four days I still had the bad gas and diarrhea and I had noticed my crap,was black like there was blood in it. When the doctor had first found that I had atrial fibrillation with my heart, he had started me on a high powered blood thinner to try to keep blood clots from forming in the top of my heart and another medicine called Sotalol. The Sotalol had almost done me in as it slowed my heart beat down below thirty and I quit taking it immediately.



It dawned on me that the high powered blood thinner called Xeralto might be causing me to bleed internally into my stomach causing the bad gas and black diarrhea stool, so I immediately quit taking the Xeralto. I had an appointment with my heart Doctor on June 19 and I told him my story and the fact that I was ready to put in the Pace Maker. He agreed that the Xeralto was causing the internal bleeding and told me I had done the right thing but that it took about a week to get it out of my system. He went ahead and scheduled the Pace Maker Installation on Monday June 22.



Sure enough, over the weekend end the gas stopped, the black diarrhea stopped, and I felt much better. Today, I had the pace maker installed and my heart rate is now stabilized at a steady 60 bpm where as it had been running an erratic 35 to 40 bpm. I already feel better and seem to have more energy and can’t wait to see what the next few weeks will be like for me.



So here is two more cases where I took initiative myself and got off of new medications before they did me in. I think if had waited on the doctors to figure out what was going on, it may have been too late. IF YOU ARE PRESCRIBED NEW MEDICATIONS, WATCH YOUR OWN SYMPTOMS AND GET OFF OF THEM IMMEDIATELY IF THEY START MAKING YOU SICK.

imageI’m sure these medications help a lot of people heal from their ailments, but the only effects I care about is what it does to me.




Thanks for reading More Deadly Medicines,