Lost In The Dark


Lost In The Dark




We lost our power at 8:30 AM on this Thursday morning.
The house just suddenly got dark without any warning.
Pam lit a few candles and spread them around the house,
While everything suddenly got as quiet as a mouse.









Lost In The Dark




I picked up my iPad and the indicator said 90% charge,
So I went to Safari to find PSO in bold print so large,
But my iPad told me there was no internet service now,
And I needed to report our power outage some how.

My trusty old iPad2 that has served me so well.











I picked up my phone and it was not charged at all,
So how could I make that needed power outage call?
Pam told me her iPhone was charged, so I called then,
They told me 1700 people were out of power, what a sin.

My iPhone 5C that serves all my needs when charged.











We could see our neighbors lights on across the street,
So Pam headed on out to our close neighbors greet.
The houses to the north all had power so very sweet,
But neighbors to the south shared our power defeat.

My Amazon Echo that plays music for me while cooking in the kitchen.













I was in my chair listening to music on my Alexa Echo,
When Tommy Jacksons fiddle was silenced, I know,
So I moved to the living room with natural light to see,
And drew two Bighead toons that then came to me.


My Amazon Alexa sitting next to my chair that plays honkytonk music for me while I drink a few beers.












With no TV, cable, or internet to stream, what will I do?
So I thought with the iPad charge I have left to use,
I guess I could write a blog about how helpless I really am,
Sitting wondering how hot we will get with the AC on the lamb.

My Sony Bravia 52″ flat screen HD TV sitting in my den as our primary entertainment electronic device.











Pam said she talked to the little old lady behind us,
And she was raising cane and making a big old fuss,
Saying “I have no Cable TV and my Internet is out too,
My hearing aid needs charged, what am I going go do?”

My Sony Bluetooth sound bar speaker to enhance my TV sound and play my Spotify playlists when I’m in the mood.











The power has now been off for two hours and I am so blue,
Pam went to the Post Office and it was off there too.
Pam just got back and wants to go out to eat lunch,
As she’s substitute teaching today for a rowdy bunch.

Netflix streamed into my TV from my WiFi system.













We arrived back home at 12:30 PM with our power on.
Eureka, our electronic devices will get us back to our norm.
It is hard to believe how much we depend on the devices,
We use everyday that one might even call our vices.

Amazon Prime Instant Video streamed into my TV with my WiFi System.











What if we lost power for a month, could we survive?
I’m sure we would but it would not seem like we were alive,
As we have those devices going now almost 24 hours a day.
We could take long walks for entertainment that way!

Cable one provides my HD TV with those live NFL Football games I do love so.









Please please please keep that power on, or I will surely be “lost in the dark” with nothing to do.






By Bill







Thanks for reading Lost In The Dark,