Finding Bill

Finding Bill


Sometimes you run across something that looks like you modeled for it. This story describes such an item.


Finding Bill


I was in the Goodwill store in Bartlesville about 15 years ago when I ran across a figurine sculpture which I thought was the essence of Bill. It was like I was destined to find this likeness of me. Now don’t peek at the picture below until you have read all of the words here in. I looked at the price of the sculpture and my likeness was only two dollars and I thought “wow, what a bargain for a guy that’s perfect in every way.” It happened to be sale day at the Goodwill, so I got my likeness for 25% off. Only a $1.75 for this masterpiece of perfection.



Pam and I happened to be in our Honky Tonk phase at that time so I would come home from work on Friday night and take a shower and let the “Cowboy In Me” loose. I put on my wranglers, western belt, western shirt, my Stetson beaver hat, and my Justin Elephant skin cowboy boots, and then I would grab a beer out of the refrigerator and head for my easy chair. I turned on the stereo system playing some moderately loud Haggard and Jones and sat there and downed two or three cool ones while I was getting primed for a night out at the Honky Tonk. I thought the sculpture captured the essence of Bill sitting there in that chair, drinking beer, listening to raw honky tonk music preparing for a night on the town. The guy just looks like he’s in Hawg heaven.




Meet old Bill enjoying a cool one and some honky tonk music getting primed for a night on the town. He sits next to my chair in the den 24 hours a day to remind me of the good old days.




Thanks for reading Finding Bill,