



This is not about Wyatt, that wild and wooly marshal.
It’s about those stomach contents coming up to fall.
We all have to expel that barf at one time or another,
So I’ll review my experiences with barf for all others.







The Apple



Did you ever pull a ripe red apple right off of the tree,
Then take a big ole bite out of it, enjoying it immensely.
Then after you swallow, look down at the apple once more,
To see half of a worm hanging out very near the core.








There’s a green looking ooze dripping out of the worm,
And as you wonder if that ooze was full of harmful germs,
Your stomach then feels woozy and starts a slow squirm,
Right before you up chuck the other half of the worm.





The Steak




In Vietnam, we had an Non Commissioned Officer Club,
That sold strip steaks you could take out as to go grub.
A staff sergeant I knew brought one back to our hootch,
After drinking a quart of whiskey that he called hooch.








He was about through and looked down at his plate,
And there were dead maggots falling out of his steak.
Some were only half there and he headed for the door,
But he didn’t make it outside before he barfed on the floor.





Barbecued Wieners




When I was in forth grade, I ate at the cafeteria one day,
We had rice and those barbecued wieners cut long ways.
My stomach was feeling a little queazy after our lunch,
But I felt good enough to go on to class with my bunch.








We had a Halloween party and I put on a costume face,
Of Frankenstein that stunk of rubber in the close space.
My stomach began to rumble and up came my lunch,
Filling up my mask with chewed rice and weeny chunks.




Creamed Corn



In the third grade, I was in the cafeteria eating my food,
When this girl sat down across the table looking good.
She had double helpings of creamed corn on her tray,
Which she woofed down real quick there on that day.








In a minute, she looked kind of funny and puked it all up,
Right across the table on to my tray of food and my cup.
This just ruined my lunch making me feel some scorn,
And to this very day, I still can’t eat that creamed c








One night I drank some Jack Daniels Tennessee whisky.
I was feeling good that night and just a little bit frisky.
I went to the Round The Clock Restaurant on Main Street,
And ate some rice and beans with enchiladas of meat.








As I walked out that door kind of dizzy and spinning round,
I returned their food to them there on the grassy ground.
Then kept barfing for a while until I had the dry heaves,
I think we all had one bad night like this making us grieve





By Bill



Thanks for reading Earp,