Carl Smith


Carl Smith



Good country music was Carl Smith’s “Trademark“.
He sang “Loose Talk“on Grand Ole Opry with lots of spark.
Where we often heard “Hey,Joe” so loud and clear,
With the crowd yelling “Go, Boy Go” as they did cheer.







(I put one of Carl’s songs on every line of this poem,
As I tell what I remember about Carl as I’m a going.
This verse is just for information so it doesn’t count,
As I talk about a country star from my memory account.)









Carl Smith




June Carter saw Carl Smith and said ” You Are The One“,
Carl responded with “Are You Teasing Me” at once.
And Juney hugged him and said “Kisses Don’t Lie,”
Carl said “Doggone It Baby, I’m In Love” feeling so spry.












Carl and June sang duets about “Love, Oh Crazy Love
And “Times A Wastin‘” on the Opry like two happy doves,
They sang “Happy Birthday My Darling” as baby Carlene arrived,
Loving her “Softly And Tenderly” as they then did all thrive.

Carl Smith and June Carter










The “Tall Tall Gentleman” and June later had some trouble,
And “Faded Love And Winter Roses” burst the love bubble,
With “Did We Have To Go This Far (To Say Goodbye )”in mind,
And very sad “Emotions” as they left each other down the line.












They both made it through the “Deep Water” and separated,
Thinking “Let’s Live A Little” before we say goodbye belated.
While feeling “Ain’t Love A Hurting Thing” in their mind.
Leaving them both “Confused By The Blues” at that time.












They both felt “If Teardrops Were Pennies” they would be wealthy,
Thinking “I Feel Like Cryin‘” as they both left feeling a bit guilty.
Carl finally said “Take My Ring Off You Finger” and go away,
Don’t Just Stand There” looking quite sad in that way.











Later Carl saw Goldie Hill thinking “I Over Looked An Orchid,”
And asked her out saying “Baby I’m Ready” for lovin’ you kid.
She said “Back Up Buddy” and slow down your speed,
Carl said oh come go with me, “Satisfaction Guaranteed“.

Goldie Hill











After a courtship, Carl married “Sweet Little Miss Blue Eyes“,
Carl sang for her “Your Name Is Beautiful” flying high.
And “You’re So Easy To Love” as they were so right.
As “A Love Was Born” that lasted all of their lives.












Carl then sang some Bob Will’s songs like “San Antonio Rose“,
And “Roly Poly” which back then my mind did blow.
Carl seemed to be “A Man With A Plan” as he did age,
So he “Let Old Mother Nature Have Her Way” on her page.












Carl retired to a quarter horse ranch with old “Mr Moon“,
And Goldie as the”Silver Tongued Cowboy” still did croon.
Still occasionally doing shows of his songs from the “Past“.
With his “Sweet Little Country Girl” by his side to the last.











I drift off to dream with fine songs like “Foggy River“,
As I am “Easy To Please” when it comes to Carl so clever,
Especially by his “Before I Met You” very special sound.
A “Doorstep To Heaven” floating you up off the ground.











By Bill


PS:  I’ve done a song a line now for Carl Smith, George Jones, Conway Twitty, and Merle Haggard. These are a real challenge to make it flow.




Thanks for reading Carl Smith,