Afternoon Toons


Afternoon Toons


These Bighead toons are for review in the afternoon,
As none of these fine guys ever get up before noon.
Viewed in the morning, their eyes will surely be closed,
So wait until later in the day or they may be hard nosed.






Afternoon Toons


All these guys that I draw, I’ve seen somewhere before,
The first foot long hotdog loving guy is six foot four,
I see him in the mirror when I brush my teeth in the morning.
Sometimes he stops at the Sonic without any warning.










We all seem to take a lot of those selfies these days,
I think we all like how we look in particular ways.
So this guy I see out there looking at his own phone,
Every single day with a big smile on his own face shown.










I saw this guy at the Olympics diving in the pool.
Some times he messed up a little not looking too cool.
He had a very tan body with big shoulders and chest,
With a tiny little butt with long legs diving at his best.










I’ve sucked in a lot of suds in my life back a while,
Once I saw a guy drinking beer with a straw as a style,
He claimed he got his high a lot quicker that way,
But he got too much air that way and barfed it away.










I think this guy was stimulated by a song that rang,
Called “It’s Hard To Be Humble” which I often sang.
In my morning ritual when I was starting my day.
I guess I saw the singer, Mac Davis, looking this way.










This next guy was often seen back in the sixties.
Kind of a hippy with a big Afro, maybe a lady tease.
He was always referred to as a “Flower Child” then.
Always holding up two fingers for “Peace” to win










We played a bit of Croquet when I was a young lad,
When this guys ball was hit and knocked away, he got mad,
Saying a few choice words as I won the game again.
We didn’t play too much as setting it up was a big pain.










Again when I was young, we often chased dust devils,
Those little whirl winds kicking up dust looking evil.
When we did catch them and try to grab them there,
We got dirt in our eyes, ears, and just about everywhere.










This next guy I see often out protecting our streets,
I appreciate his service working out there on his beat.
So keep up the good work keeping our streets safe,
Your work is very dangerous, so be careful working late.










I recall filling lots of sandbags while serving in Vietnam.
Using that folding army shovel there with my arm.
I didn’t mind this duty at all over there in that country,
As sandbags gave protection from shrapnel, you see.










Now, you see how these guys pop from my head,
The rest have similar roots from experiences I’ve had.
So I will not elaborate on the last Bighead toons today.
You may see someone you remember along your way.




























This will likely be the last Bigheads from Hawg Jaw,
As my drawing hand is getting just a little bit raw.
Besides by now, you’ve seen about all I can conjure.
If you see anymore, they will be oil paintings for sure.





By Bill




Thanks for reading Afternoon Toons,
