The Rattlesnake

The Rattlesnake


When we are in our very young years, the imagination can be a powerful thing. .The poem that follows describes my experience with a wild imagination.




The Rattlesnake


When I was five, I had my own room in the back,
There was a rattlesnake that stayed there in a sack,
At night he would come out and sit in the floor,
And lay there and wait until just about four.




When I would get up from bed to go pee,
He would wait until I was close and strike out at me.
I could not see him with my eyes, but I knew he was near
Waiting for me to get close to him in my underwear.




In my mind I envisioned him just as plain as day,
And then I would step on something sharp and say
He bit me, I could feel his sharp fangs deep in my toes
And I ran to the bathroom to check for small holes.




I checked my toes real close, but I couldn’t find a thing
I wondered if I had imagined him, but my foot it did sting.
I peed in the pot, flushed and turned out the light
And I could almost see him again right there in plain site.




I ran fast to my bed and got by his Diamond Back.
In the morning I told my Dad of the snake in the sack.
He went to the closet and grabbed the sack in his hand.
He took in out back and burned it and I felt just grand.




The rattlesnake was dead and was no longer there,
That night as I lay in my bed, a noise I could still hear.
I looked on the floor and a large tarantula I could see
He must have moved in just to try to sting me.




I thought about it for a while and found the answer,
I wore my boots to bed so I could stomp on his lancer
If he got to close when I got up to pee or to pray.
My problems were over and the tarantula went away.




I found out after much careful thought about things,
That the imagination can a lot of problems bring,
But if you think and use the rest of your powerful brain,
You can solve your problems and be happy again..


By Bill




The imagination of a young boy will sometimes make a dark room mighty scary and bring out snakes and spiders and stuff like that.






Thanks for reading The Rattlesnake,
