Little Girls


Little Girls

I have a soft spot in my heart for little girls that are truly a joy,
Pam and I had two beautiful girls when we were looking for a boy.
We loved those little girls from heaven with all our heart and soul.
Kristi and Tamara fulfilled all of our dreams as they did grow.




Little Girls


Ten months after we got married, we had Kristi, our first baby,
We were hoping for a boy, but it was a beautiful young lady.
We couldn’t believe that we were proud parents of a little girl,
We were so happy, and we loved this addition to our new world.









The first few months she kept us up all night as she slept at day,
We took turns walking with her in our arms just the right way,
Loving her more and more as she stole both our hearts away.
As her personality began to grow, i loved her more than l can say.









Soon she talked and crawled, then walked and then she ran,
She told us she loved us every hour which we thought was grand.
This little girl was my pride and joy and was so very much fun,
She kept me busy trying to keep up as she was always on the run.









After two short years, Tamara was born coming into our world,
Another beautiful baby, and we now had our second little girl.
We had experience with girls now, so our love was there to stay.
Tamara slept all night and played with us during the fun days.









She had a fun personality all her own as most baby girls do.
Which made loving her a new experience for her daddy too.
I was good at giving baby baths and changing diapers by now.
So we shared loving times together as my work would allow.








I loved my cute little Tamara from the day she first did arrive,
She was so much different from Krisri, but she really did jive.
As she grew from a toddler to a beautiful little girl I loved so.
I was so proud of her too, as I was there watching her grow.









Kristi loved Tamara too as she helped teach her things she knew,
So ii was much easier on Pam and I as the years they just flew.
Both of them walked at 14 months old and then the fun began,
Because soon they were both running so fast our heads did spin.









They both loved for me to tell them stories as we sat there at home
So I told them of three bears and of a place where Buffalo roam,
And then made up fun stories of Little Blue Blue and my dog, Hugo.
They sat and listened intently, just mesmerized by the verbal show.









Sometimes I played little girl games if they rolled those big eyes
Up at me saying “Daddy if you don’t play, my little dolly will cry.”
So we played those games and sang a song my Mom sang to me,
“…..come out and play with me and bring your dollies three,,,”









So as you can tell, I have loved little girls all my time as a father.
Now that I am a geezer, I have a new little girl, my granddaughter
Sarah who looks just like my daughter Kristi did as my little girl.
So I love having another little girl in my old grandfather world.








By Bill



Thanks for reading Little Girls,