Monthly Archives: April 2016

Norman Cornelius Kendrick


Norman Cornelius Kendrick


Norman Cornelius Kendrick was my Mother’s older brother,
That makes him my uncle with very similar genes to my mother.
This poem is just an overview of Uncle Norman from those days,
From before my birth until he reached old age and passed away. Continue reading

Hawg Jaw Nachos


Hawg Jaw Nachos


I’m a fast and easy, tastes good guy, when it comes to snacks,
So here’s a treat I whip up for Pam and I when a hunger attack
Shows up late at night while streaming in the “Blacklist” TV show,
That is a bit spicy, but it kills those old hunger pangs, you know. Continue reading




I think anyone out there over 60 who grew up in the good old USA,
Remembers Burma-Shave advertisements back then in their day.
This poem recalls some of the entertainment provided by them,
As we traveled the highways with our parents way back then. Continue reading

Words Our Moms Used


Words Our Moms Used


When I was a young boy being raised by my Mom at home,
She used some strange words that were originated on her own.
Later when I met Pam’s Mom, she had a few I learned then too.
So this poem discusses just a few Mom words from those two. Continue reading

Pop A Top


Pop A Top


I have opened a lot of beer through the years,
So I may be an expert on opening that cheer,
This poem covers from 1958 until about 2010,
If I could go back once more, I’d do it again
Continue reading

Little Girls


Little Girls

I have a soft spot in my heart for little girls that are truly a joy,
Pam and I had two beautiful girls when we were looking for a boy.
We loved those little girls from heaven with all our heart and soul.
Kristi and Tamara fulfilled all of our dreams as they did grow. Continue reading

Geezer Teasers


Geezer Teasers


They used to make a lot of heavy cast iron gadgets in the past
Those things made of iron were very strong and they did last.
I have found a few to see if you might just remember them too.
I’ll show them for your guess as what they were meant to do.




I think I can guess about how many items you may just get right.
By your age, my guess is you know the following number by sight.
5 to 15 you will none at all, 15 to 30 may get 3 to 5 of the bunch,
30 to 50 will get 6 of 10, and 50 to 80 will get 8 to 10 by my hunch. Continue reading

Retired Engineers


Retired Engineers

These poems are tall tales of retired engineers that could be true,
Who did things a little different than the average person might do.
And were criticized by others before they knew all of the facts,
So don’t judge old guys too fast that may be smarter than they act. Continue reading