I spent a lot of time at my cousins house when I was a lad. Here are a few memories that stuck with me. Continue reading
I spent a lot of time at my cousins house when I was a lad. Here are a few memories that stuck with me. Continue reading
Arkansas Summers
When we went to Sulphur Springs in the Summers, we spent a lot of time hanging around the town with our friends there. We explored everything in the area. Here’s what I recall. Continue reading
The Kids on Stark Street Part 2
You know, It’s funny how I can remember the names of the kids that lived on my street in the 1950s and I can’t even remember where I went to eat out last week. Continue reading
The Kids on Stark Street Part 1
It’s funny how I can remember the names of the kids that lived on my street in the 1950s and I can’t even remember where I went to eat out last week. Continue reading
Boys Toys
When I was a kid, most of the boy toys were based on mechanical and physics principles. Today they are almost all electronic. Here are a few of the toys I played with. Continue reading
Sulphur Springs Shorts
Just a few shorts from my Sulphur Springs, Arkansas Memories Continue reading
Bachelor House
From November 1967 to November 1968, my buddies and I lived in a bachelor house in Phillips, Texas. We sowed a few wild oats in those single years. The featured pictured is Monroe and I in the living room of our bachelor house in Phillips in our bikini underwear. We probably had had quite a few beers and were getting ready to go out when Bob took the picture. This is, I believe, the only picture I have from that year. I assure you that we were just good friends and nothing more. Continue reading
Man From Nowhere
The town that I was born in is completely gone forever. The elementary and high school I graduated from were shut down and converted to office buildings within the fence of an operating oil refinery thus I can’t go back and visit my home town. So I am now and will always be a man from nowhere. Continue reading
How To Be successful
Here’s a few words of advice from an old dog that’s made a few mistakes on his life’s journey. Continue reading