


It’s rare when you meet someone you have never seen before and within six months she becomes a member of your family for life. This story is about one fine lady that became a loved one of our family. This lady would not let you take a picture of her so you’ll just have to imagine how sweet she looked.



About a year after we moved to Oklahoma City in December, 1978, Kristi was in school and Tamara was enrolled in a child care facility where Pam was working. Pam saw an add in the paper for a job for a slik flower designer at a business near our home. She went into talk to the flower design shop and found out it was one lady running the business that did custom silk flower arrangements and whole home designs. The lady was Olga and she had gotten so busy she couldn’t keep up with the work. Pam just loved Olga and she went to work for her the next day. She allowed Pam to mold her work schedule such that she could take and pick up the kids from their facilities. Pam was a natural at silk flower designs and her and Olga worked next to each other every day. In a few weeks they were a team with a super beautiful product with a large back log of work built up. Pam still has several of her silk flower arrangements she made during that period of her life sitting around the house.



A couple of the silk flower arrangements still in our home that Pam made when she was working for Olga in Oklahoma in 1981. They still look good after 34 years except for the dust.




They spend so much time together during the week that Olga became sort of a mother figure for Pam and they started doing things together on the weekends. Our family had dinner over at her Mom and Dads house a couple of times and we all loved their place which was full of beautiful flowers and wild birds. Pam had never been away from home before and she missed her daily visits with her real Mother. Olga filled this gap in her life nicely and she shared everything with her becoming very close.



Mom, I have found a lady in Oklahoma City I love almost as much as you. It makes moving away from you more bearable.




On one weekend, Olga invited us to a beautiful log cabin she owned at Piedmont just east of Oklahoma City sitting on a lake that she owned where they fed the fish. The fishing was very good and we all had a ball out there. She told us we could use the place any time we wanted to get away for a while. We spent the weekend out there four or five times in the last two years we were there at no cost to us other that the food we brought



We had a lot of fun weekends at Olga’s cabin on the Lake while we lived in Oklahoma City. We love you Olga.




On one occasion we bought tickets to see Ray Price sing at a place very near our home. We invited Olga to go with us and it so happened we got a table that was just 20 feet from the stage he performed on. They brought drinks to our table and we enjoyed the show that evening with Olga “For The Good Times”.




Olga took Pam to Dallas with her a couple of times a year to market to buy supplies for her business which Pam just loved. They also would go out in the country in the fall to gather dried weeds that they used in their arrangements. Olga knew all the good spots to harvest the stuff that grew out in the wild.



Some of the dried weeds they harvested in the country around Oklahoma City for use in the Silk flower arrangements.



Our relationship with Olga, continued until we moved to Houston two years after we met her. We did go on a trip to San Francisco with her while we lived in Houston on which we had a ball. (See GPA Convention Blog).We still stop by and see Olga when we have time when we pass through Oklahoma City. She still looks like she did the day we met her. It’s not often you meet someone that becomes an intimate part of your family. Beautiful people like Olga are rare indeed.


Olga and Pam at Golden Gate Park near San Francisco.




Thanks for reading Olga,