My Nine Lives


My Nine Lives



I’ve blogged a lot about close calls I have had over the years,
So I guess I’ll pull them together in one blog poem right here.
To illustrate that I am very lucky to have survived all this time.
I wonder if others have as many close calls as in this rhym





My Nine Lives


It is said that pussy cats have nine lives so I must be a feline,
As I have had eight near death experiences so far in my time.
So I guess the next time will be the last one that I ever will get,
I must be very careful as I’m not ready for my life to be over yet.




My first near death experience was in 1948 on Borger Main Street.
I broke from my Moms hand and ran into the street with my feet.
And ran right into the side of a fast moving car bouncing right off.
One second earlier I would been in front and dead on the hoof.









Number two experience was in 1953 at Lake Marvin fishing.
The lake was down and the banks were all full of mud slushing.
As I walked around, I began to sink down, stopping at my nose.
One more inch down and I’d still be there buried alive, I suppose.









The third near death event was in 1962 near Bunavista Drivein,
We saw a movie and were on our way out with the crowd therein.
As I pulled out, we were hit by a car going 65 mph in the side.
I lost a good friend that night and Rick and I were lucky to survive.









Experience number four occurred in 1967 near Mobeetie, Texas,
I was 100 feet up in a basket checking a process vessel to pass it

No safety latch was on the basket crane hook and it lifted out,
It caught on the very edge and saved me from death, no doubt.









Number five event occurred at Sherman Helium Plant in 1973,
I was 50 feet up on a scaffolding approving some work you see,
In a Nitrogen purged vessel and passed out going dark very slow.
I woke up backing out, nearly falling to the concrete below.








Number six event happened in 1998 in our Bartlesville town.
My aorta artery aneurism ruptured one night putting me down,
They opened me up with it leaking blood all over my insides,
The doctor said I was very lucky and he thought that I had died.









Number seven event occurred in 2002 while I was resting at home,
I was just hanging when hard chest pains hit me there alone.
Doc said it was a heart attack from four arteries being plugged,
They did a quadruple bypass to get my arteries flowing blood.









Experience eight happened in 2013 from Doctor ordered pills.
I was taking Actos prescribed to keep blood sugar down for Bill.
But it caused heavy lung congestion and congestive heart failure,
Nearly putting me down for good in the cold cold ground for sure.









The number nine event is coming up sometime in the future,
I guess now I have used up all of my nine lives but one for sure.
So I am being careful not to do anything to cause my life to end,
As I hope to stay here on this earth a few more years my friends.






By Bill





Thanks for reading My Nine Lives,