My Easy Life


My Easy Life


Sometimes I feel sorry for me sitting at home a lot,
Not being able to do things I loved that I had to stop,
Then I think of the comfortable easy life I now lead,
With almost no stress having everything I do need






My Easy Life


Every night when I get into bed, I bring my old iPad.
And pick out a real country playlist from Spotify so rad,
And play that list on my Sony Bluetooth speaker there,
Very softly to help me drop off to sleep, my mind to bare.

One of my Spotify playlists.



Sony Bluetooth speaker next to my bed








I use my mind a lot thinking about those old memories.
With all that good stuff flying around in there to see,
I start writing a blog poem there laying in my bed,
And lay there wide awake with my hard thinking head.

Having a busy mind while trying to sleep.









After a couple of hours laying there still wide awake,
I get up to write it all down and it’s gone, for Petes sake.
So I play Zynga Poker in my chair and fall right to sleep,
Then I wake up at 4 AM, get in bed, and drop off deep.

I’ve worked up to 175,000,000 chips.









One good thing about being an old man is sleep.
If I miss it at night, I just drift off to sleep in my chair,
At any hour of the day when I get kind of drowsy.
This is better than being sleepy working, feeling lousy.










So sometimes I can’t tell the difference in night and day,
As I move along doing things in my own special way.
Writing blogs when I want to, living life with much ease,
Just hanging around home doing whatever I please.

Guess I’ll write a blog about my hemorrhoids today.









I like to get out some every day to walk as far as I can,
As I don’t want to sit down in a wheel chair as a man.
I know if I ever sit down and don’t walk some each day,
I will be right there in that dang wheel chair to stay.

Please keep me out of a wheel chair a while longer.









So I just continue to plug along with no stress at all,
Trying very hard when I’m out walking not to fall,
And I sit a lot when I’m here at home in my easy chair,
Feeling very good now in my stress free life so fair.

Well honey, that was an exuberanting little walk.









Writing the Hawg blog keeps my old mind busy thinking,
And I have no deadlines or tight schedule to bring in.
So I just write until I get tired, then shut it on down,
With the joy of old memories taking away my frown.

Guess I’ll give Hawg Jaw a rest today.









Recently, I was thrilled as I got my back my eyes.
I can now blog with ease, and of course I can drive.
So I will just continue with my quiet life right here.
While drinking an occasional cold Budweiser beer.






Oh, I will surely continue doing everything that I can,
Spending time with my grandchildren over the land.
Sometimes I have to work pretty hard doing some things,
But I’m always so happy with the joy it does bring.

Wow, they’re growing up so fast.








By Bill





Thanks for reading My Easy Life,