Medical Leave
For Hawg Jaw this is going to be the end of the line,
As my eye sight has declined and I am nearly blind.
It’s possible I could be back in the future with time,
If my Cataract surgery allows me again to see fine.
See the many faces of Hawg Jaw Bill
Medical Leave
This blog has given this old man something to do,
To keep my mind active thus keeping away the blues.
I have posted the old memories that I often did recall,
Taking me back to a life where I was having a ball.
There are also bad memories that I have written down,
That often twisted my old face into an ugly old frown.
But we must remember there is some bad with the good,
As we progress through life living like we all should.
I have written some blogs kind of ugly and gross,
Being just a little bit fun loving and silly of course.
I hope that side of me didn’t turn you off too much,
As I wrote about farts and boogers with my touch.
I also threw some tall tales out there a time or two,
But I usually alerted you that they surely were not true.
I guess I have always been a bit of a crazy dreamer,
Enjoying the art of being somewhat of a fantasy schemer.
I still hope someday my blogs with be put in a book,
So that all my future family can then take a long look,
And remember this old man by reading for a while,
Learning about life when country music was in style.
For now, old Hawg Jaw is going on medical leave,
Until I recover from eye surgery and can again see.
So I will bid you adieu in this last story poem of mine.
Until possibly someday into the future of my time.
I killed a bear when I was 3.
By Bill
Thanks for reading Medical Leave,