Going Away For Awhile


Going Away For Awhile

(Blog Number 1061)



The Hawg will stop to rest his old tired brain’s new thoughts,
Until more memories from the past to him are again brought,
So don’t look for a Hawg blog for a period of some rest time,
As old Hawg has a tired brain needing rest from these rhymes.






Going Away For Awhile




I think I have gotten reasonably good writing those story poems,
But to write them now, I must get an old memory really a going.
I want to think for a while about other things during my day,
To free myself from this daily task as I now go on along my way.










I can’t say for sure that I will again blog after I rest once more,
But usually after a few days in the past, I always did get bored,
And then picked up my iPad to write a story poem to blog again,
About more old recalled memories during life where I have been.










Most of my latest blog memories have just happened recently,
But I don’t get out to do things often enough to now carry me,
So perhaps when enough things are experienced on my run,
It may allow me to again write a little more for additional fun.










So because I want to reduce the amount of brain activity of mine,
Don’t look for my blog to be around again for quite a long time.
But you know me, if something strikes me as a good memory,
I will likely write in on down in another blog out there from me.










I must be kind of like that kid that cried wolf too many times,
So no one believes that Hawg Jaw will shut down his lines.
Go ahead and cheer out loud assuming I will soon be gone.
If it makes you feel a little better until back again I do come.










But I do thank everyone that did read my blog in the past,
And I hope you continue to read it until I’ve written my last.
I really believe the blog will be read a lot by my future family,
And I sure hope that the blog on this page doesn’t end it for me.


Which way did the Hawg go this time?








By Bill






PS: I quit again back when I hit number 1000 blog count and I noticed this one was number 1061 now. I wonder if I will ever shutdown? But for now, adios. 








Thanks for reading Going Away For Awhile,