Fantasy Reactions

Fantasy Reactions

When events often occur with no warning so very suddenly,
It startles us to the point that our first thought is usually a fantasy.
The poem discusses a few of those sudden events I have had,
And the fantasies that first popped into my head that were bad.



Fantasy Reactions


One night last week I was awakened as I slept so sound in my bed,
By a bright light that filled the room blinding the eyes in my head.
I wondered, could this be an angel that’s come just for me?
But a car with its bright lights shining right in on me, I did see.








Just yesterday afternoon l was standing by our kitchen table,
When all of the sudden there was a kaboom so loud I was disabled.
I jumped so high dropping my glass thinking our house exploded,
But weather slipped in with lightning and booming thunder loaded.








I came out of a door months ago that had a sudden step down.
It appeared to be level as this blind old man was looking around.
I stepped off and fell forward thinking I was pushed on my back,
Then I realized, when 300 pounds gets moving, it falls like a sack.









I had a dream a while back and I was on a cliff overlooking rocks,
I started to look down, got dizzy, and fell over feeling quite shocked.
As I was falling down floating, I thought I am surely going to die,
But before I hit bottom, I woke up shaking on the verge of a cry.








I was in a Red Lobster sitting in a booth right next to a fat lady,
I suddenly heard a loud barooof like she scooted on vinyl, maybe.
I then smelled a terrible stink thinking my food was so rotten,
But it turned out that fat lady cut a big fart that I have not forgotten.








Craig and I were sitting in a duck blind with our cousins one day,
Watching the skies over the decoys sitting very quietly that way.
We heard Boom, Boom, Boom thinking we had been shot dead,
But a hunter had shot our decoys right over the top of our head.









When Pam was pregnant with our first child, Kristi, back then,
Pam was having pains and said get me in the car and take me in.
I thought, well I’m finally going to be a proud daddy right now.
But it turned out to be gas pains expelled on the way home so loud.








When Pam was pregnant with our second child, Tamara, back then,
Pam was having pains and said get me in the car and take me in.
I thought, well I guess this is probably just gas pains once more,
But, the nurse delivered her before the Doctor even got on the floor.








When I was very young with a very vivid imagination so wild,
I believed I saw the devil there in my room trying to get this child,
I thought, well I guess I’m now on my way right down to hell,
But I said a prayer and he disappeared leaving me there so pale.








I guess we would probably be better off if we ignored our fantasy,
But I don’t think that is possible as we react almost instantaneously.
So this is something we will probably never be able to change.
Let’s all continue to react with our fantasies as we play the game.




By Bill




Thanks for reading Fantasy Reactions,
