Deep Feelings
The squirrels are waking me up again in the morning,
Running on the side of our house without any warning.
The bush tailed varmints need to be thinned down again,
So I got out my varmint trap and declared war on them.
Okay big boy, we’re going to war.
Deep Feelings
I used the WD 40 and oiled up my trap with my grip,
Until just the slightest pressure on the plate it did trip,
My sunflower seed can was still full to the very top,
So I was now ready to catch this new squirrel crop.
I sat the trap cage on the concrete ledge on my cart port,
In back of the house near the front of my Rav 4 Sport,
And placed sunflower seed on the trap plate inside,
Then spread a few seeds outside as a varmint guide.
The next day I caught a big male squirrel so mad,
As I picked up the cage to haul him, he acted up bad,
Ramming his head into both ends of the trap cage,
As if inside him, I had suddenly released great rage.
Don’t hurt yourself big boy.
I dropped him off out at Squirrelville in the country,
And reset the cage to catch another squirrel, you see.
I soon had another in that cage and repeated the routine,
Now ready for number three squirrel, maybe a queen.
No more running on my house, you’re going to Squirrelville.
On the third morning, as Pam went out, she then said,
“Bill, you caught a squirrel, a baby this time, it looks dead.”
So I went out to haul the squirrel off and was zapped,
It was not a young squirrel but a giant rat in the trap.
Well, it looked like a baby squirrel.
The big rat had scraped all the hair off of his nose,
Trying to push through those tiny wire trap holes.
He had a long hairless tail that he dragged around,
And long sharp teeth ready bite my finger so round.
Baby squirrel my foot, that’s a big ass rat.
I was shocked that there was a big rat this close to home,
And wondered if more were around here on the roam,
I couldn’t bring myself to kill him all trapped like that,
So I left him there in the cage like a big trapped rat.
Hold on, is that a giant rat curled up in that corner? No, it’s just an Opossum showing his face.
The next day he was looking a little weak in the trap.
So I decided to take him into the country, what a sap.
And I let him go to be a live hated rodent once more,
I never thought that I would feel sorry for a rat I abhor.
Run free nasty rat, get away from me.
We zap mice in the house all the time with no remorse,
Why is it different to kill a live trapped rat as a course?
I guess it seems like murder only if you pull the trigger,
Then deep feelings occur that continue to grow bigger.
You did that to yourself stealing from me.
So if I catch any more rats in my squirrel trap now,
I will just haul them far away from humans somehow,
Rather than kill them trapped in that awful cage,
Then I will feel better about myself in my old age.
Run free in the country as the Red Shouldered Hawk hunts for thee.
Wait, the day after I hauled that rat to the country,
A Red Shouldered Hawk watched my trap from a tree,
I guess he must have spotted the rat there yesterday,
So he came back to look for another rat there today.
The hawk was sitting there watching my trap waiting for a rat or squirrel for a meal.
Message: If you feel guilty doing something you don’t feel right about, don’t do it and avoid feeling bad about what you did.
By Bill
Thanks for reading Deep Feelings,