Cowboys And Indians


Cowboys And Indians


Finding that junk for those antique booths was fun,
Because we always found things to keep for our own.
That were much nicer, so we filled all our home shelves,
With things like Cowboys and Indians just for ourselves.






Cowboys And Indians


One of my prize possessions is a bronze sculpture,
By Frederic Remington of an Indian scene so pure.
Called “Buffalo Horse” that shows an action scene,
Of an Indian on a horse trying to kill a buffalo so keen.










American Indians on collector plates look so fine,
So when we found them , they did become mine.
The first one from the Mystic Warriors plate collection,
Is called the “Deliverance” by my old recollection.










The next plate has a pair of Indians called the “Prideful Ones”
Riding bareback in their native land with their guns.
Perhaps on a hunting party looking for the buffalo,
That they used for food, their homes, and their clothes.










There’s a lone Indian dressed in colorful warm clothes,
In a plate called “The Winter of 01” out there as it snows,
I love those high cheek bones on this Native American,
Holding that old long rifle right there in his left hand.










Old “Crazy Horse” himself is shown on the next plate,
Carrying a Winchester Rifle looking proud and great.
With a red blanket for him and a blue one for Paint,
His trusty spotted Indian pony looking kind of quaint.










The next plate shows two Indian braves after a buffalo,
Of the white kind that was “Big Medicine” on the go.
They are trying to bring this big fellow to the ground,
With only a bow, arrow, and a spear there to be found.










This wild young Indian brave with muscles just right,
Just speared a salmon from that River flowing white,
As he looks up to the sky thanking his God up above.
While sitting comfortably on the pony he does love.










On this plate, a wrangler is trying to stop a herd of cattle
That was “Stampeded By Lightning” causing a battle,
In a raging storm with the rain just pouring on down.
That cowboy won’t be happy until the herd turns around.










“Old Ramon” is coming up next looking kind of rough,
With that rifle in his lap on his horse, he looks real tough.
Kind of staring us down with a kind of mean look.
With that ragged sombrero with a funny looking crook.










Next is the Indian “Scout” out there in snowy weather,
With an old coon skin hat with just a single feather.
Him and his horse both look cold out in that snow,
Leading a Calvary unit to a new destination so slow.










Finally, I have a signed sculpture of a real cowboy,
Called “Taking The Rough Off” looking so very coy.
The sculpture is signed Michael Garman dated 1972.
I love this old cowboy that I have become close to.









By Bill



Thanks for reading Cowboys And Indians,