




My daughter Tamara called me about a week ago,
Telling me I need to categorize my blogs as it is slow,
Trying to find an old single blog in the 908 blog total,
I thought about it and then categorized them all.






When I wrote my blogs, I wrote what came to mind,
Of that particular subject that I recalled at the time.
Therefore, blogs about the same subjects are scattered,
From beginning to end for any subject that mattered.








I started in categorizing my blogs with much vigor,
But it took about 5 minutes to do each blog, I figure,
So it took 4540 minutes or 3.15 days working full time.
When I finished I was just sick and almost a crying.







But I tried it out and it worked so well I couldn’t quit,
Looking at old blogs by category together that fit.
So if anyone wants to give it a try, here’s what I know.
First pull up the blog from the WP Internet address below:


Link to blog above










Now to the right side of the page take a little look,
And scroll down until you see the “categories” block.
Click on the arrow there and a list will pop up so quick,
Click on any category you may then wish to inspect.








I tried “U. S. Army Vietnam” first and all of them popped out,
All together for the first time to scan, without any doubt.
I read what I wanted to read again right then and there,
It was so nice to have them pulled together from everywhere.










I then tried “Craig” and my blogs about my brother,
Popped up all in a long row there all right together,
Out there fishing and hunting with me back in history,
Allowing him to relive those memorable times with me.










I tried “Phillips Stark Street” and they were all in a group,
Spanning 10 years of my life as a boy in one swoop.
I regret some of the things I did back then as a boy,
But boys will be boys doing the fun things they enjoy.











I took a look at “South Fork” out in the great outdoors,
Where we went every summer to have fun and explore,
Oh and we did a lot of trout fishing on the “Rio Grande”,
While the ladies shopped all over the mountain land.











I also took a quick peek at “Yucky Stuff” so very bad,
When that bad side of me crept on out so very rad.
You probably won’t want to look at these awful blogs,
That really puts a bad light out there on the Hawg.











So I thank Tamara for talking me into grouping my blogs,
By categories so they can be sorted in groups by the Hawg,
If someone is interested in one particular subject,
That the Hawg wrote about that you don’t want to forget.

Thanks daughter of mine as I love the result of all the work.










By Bill







Thanks for reading Categorization,