Bad Experience

Bad Experience

Sometimes we wander into a situation that haunts us for months afterward. This is what happened to Pam and I shortly after we were married.




Bad Experience


About two months after we got married in 1973, Pam and I were in Amarillo shopping with some friends of ours named Donna and Corky. They told us there was a new movie being released and it was opening today. We decided to go see the new release not knowing anything at all about the movie. So off we went feeling pretty good about seeing the debut of the movie in Amarillo. About the first thirty minutes of the movie were pretty normal. Then this sweet little girl started to change into a monster possessed by satin with these awful voices coming out of her and her sweet little body contorted into awful positions vomiting up pea soup at her mother.



By today’s standards this may be only mildly shocking, but in 1973, these scenes from “The Exorcist” were horrifically shocking.




Pam was frightened by any kind of scary movie and we were seeing things the likes of which had never been seen in the theater before. She was absolutely terrified at these awful things happening to this sweet little girl. It was of course “The Exorcist” that we had stumbled into unaware of what was coming. We were riding with our friends so we couldn’t just leave, so we watched the whole thing. When we left the theater, the bad experience was not over yet. That night when we went to bed, Pam would not let me turn out the light, so we slept with the light on for a full month before she would let me turn it off again. From that tine on, I always found out what the movie was about before we went to see it. To this day, she won’t watch anything the least bit scary on Television. What a bad experience that turned out to be.
Thanks for reading Bad Experience,