Baby It’s Cold Out There


Baby It’s Cold Out There




What ever happened to global warming like we had last year,
This cold weather we’re having is about to get me down, I fear.
Something must be messing with our ecosystem once again,
And I sure would like it to warm back up outside, my friends.






Baby It’s Cold Out There




I just looked at the 10 day long range weather forecast today,
And there seems to be no end to the cold temperatures in play.
Last year, I did not even get out a heavy jacket for me to wear,
I have already dug out my super warm GoreTex coat this year.

GoreTex may be the best cold weather coat ever.









I think the cold weather is causing sickness to really bloom,
As Pam is getting lots of substitute teacher jobs for class rooms,
As teachers are out sick with, perhaps, cold weather to blame,
I wish someone would figure out what’s going on in this game.










Last week when we stopped by to see Linda and Gene again,
Gene had just recovered from a very bad cold with a big grin.
Linda was still hacking and coughing as we sat in their den,
Recalling good old memories from old times as we sat therein.

We shared old memories and a cold too.









Of course, I came away from our visit with a bad cold of my own,
And today I’m hacking and coughing up loogies home grown.
Feeling so very terrible as I sit here with my whole body aching,
Trying to recover from the cold and continuous mucus making.






This is the first time I’ve been sick since my pacemaker was put in,
And it is hitting me hard as I sit here writing this blog once again.
I have to stop and blow my nose after every verse as I do write,
Or it drips that nasty snot down on my stache making me uptight.

A little mustache goo always makes me kind of blue.









At least I can’t spread the cold over the internet with my blog,
As there is just no direct contact out there with the old Hawg.
So as you all read this poem containing a little of my self pity,
You don’t have to worry about catching my bad cold so gritty.

You bet your booties granny.









If this cold gets much worse, I’ll go ask the doctor if it’s the flu,
I sure hope not, as the last time I had it, I thought I was through,
So keep your fingers crossed that it’s just a bad old nasty cold,
That it seems like we get much more of when we all do get old.






I drifted away from the cold weather as along I have rhymed,
But at least I was still discussing the “cold” all of that time.
I guess I’m sort of rambling along as I write this blog of mine,
So perhaps I need another long rest from blogging at this time.






I am thankful we haven’t had any bad snow and ice with the cold,
As it kind of keeps us locked in at home while we are so very old,
And I can’t shovel snow without danger to my health these days,
While our driveway is at about a 40 degree grade out that way.






Soon I will rest again laying my new iPad down for a little while,
But I will rerun one of my blogs on Facebook Pages in style,
That has a message that I want to relay one more time right now,
To someone very special to me as through our lives we did plow.

Lovely lady.








By Bill








PS: I just looked out the window this morning and we have gotten snow with no warning. I went to the kitchen and put on a big pot of beans as it looks like we will be in all day.

What is that white stuff?







Thanks for reading Baby It’s Cold Out There,