Ads From The Past


Ads From The Past


The other day I found some old Post magazines,
In a bottom drawer where they could not be seen.
I looked through two of them and loved the old ads,
So I took some pictures of the ads just feeling so rad.


These are old Post magazines from February 28 and April 18, 1953. The covers are by Norman Rockwell and all the ads herein are from these two magazines.










Ads From The Past


In early 1953, when these ads appeared in Post Magazine,
I was barely 10 years old absorbing everything I had seen.
Those full page ads looking fine have real eye appeal,
Like Post covers, the ads seem so true to life so real.





The first ad I shot is for Old Gold cigarettes to smoke,
The ad shows a nice young lady with a poodle to stroke,
While flirting with a young man down by the beach.
I don’t think this brand lasted as it was no peach.









The next ad was for the Packard Clipper looking good,
This was a big car with power and class as it should.
I noticed most of the car ads back then were red,
I guess someone in that era thought red knocks us dead.









The next ad is 7 Up with another happy family scene,
Out bowling together having fun looking so keen.
These ads have that Norman Rockwell look to me,
Maybe to match Post covers Norman painted, you see.









Next up is an ad for a 21 inch Emerson TY many tried.
The ad claims they are best as controls are on the side,
Thus, the front is most certainly going to be all screen,
The price seems high for what you get as you have seen,









The Studebaker ad is next with that European flair,
Looking very good with that continental style so fair,
Check out those wide white sidewalls on the tires,
And again that bright red.color kind of looking like fire.









Look at that Cosco step stool like our Moms all had,
We still have one just like the red one here at our pad,
So I guess Cosco must have made a good product,
Lasting more than 50 years without to much luck.









Next ad is for a product that we have loved so long.
Coke used sweet ballet dancers with legs so strong,
And a yellow monster staring at them from behind,
To promote the pause that refreshes together in kind.









The Hudson Hornet automobile is the next ad I shot,
Again it is red to try to promote that big car so hot.
Just a few years after this Hudson Hornet ad appeared,
They stopped all production of this car and it disappeared.










Next ad I found was from Campbell’s Soups so good,
To tell the truth this ad looks a lot like the ads should,
Looking very similar to the ads they still use today.
So I guess they must have worked good all the way









The very last ad I found was for The Texas Company,
Who later changed their name to Texaco, you see.
I love the Dalmatian pups all chasing the butterfly,
Used to promote a giant major oil company on the sly.









By Bill
Thanks for reading Ass From The Past,