Growing Old


Growing Old


Everyday something else shows up as another sign of old age,
Our aches and pains keep building yearly which makes us rage.
This poem describes how I visualize myself as I grow older.
It’s like an increasing burden that we must carry on our shoulder.




Growing Old




A young man in his prime exactly 50 short years ago ready to tackle the world.  He will be the comparison to the old man at the end of this poem.





That skin on my arm that used to be golden brown and tight,
Has gotten loose, wrinkled up, and has turned to pinkish white.
My biceps that were rock hard and so very large when flexed,
Are small and soft with flab hanging off the bottom so convexed.




The hair on my head that used to be so very bushy and thick,
Has fallen out so I have male pattern baldness looking so sick.
When I was young, there was no hair at all that grew in my ears,
Now hair grows so fast that I have small trees growing in there.




My eyes that used to see so sharply at long distances away
Are now blurred with black spots that seem to crawl and sway.
My nose used to smell the smallest little toot someone let out,
Now I can’t even smell a fat lady giant bean fart lingering about.




My face was always clean shaven with nice completion showing.
Now I have a full beard with gravy in the hair that’s a blowing.
My chin was firm and I had only a single small chin to care for.
Now I have a double chin, looking like there may soon be more.




My pecs used be hard and firm moving when I flexed them,
Now they are soft and flabby needing a size D cup bra, it’s a sin.
My stomach was flat and firm looking line a six pack was there,
Now I have a big old fat belly looking like its holding lots of beer.




My butt was small and hard, and I wore a size 36 Levi jeans,
Now it’s small and wrinkled, and my jeans are size 46, it seems.
My tallywhacker used to be long and hung way on down there.
Now it’s all shriveled and pulled inside and can’t be found anywhere.




My legs used to be covered with lots of that curly black hair,
Over the years it all rubbed off and my skinny white legs are bare.
My knees used to be so strong and I could jump and run fast.
Now I do good to walk a block or two, that’s all they will last.




My calves used to be very strong and man could I cut a rug.
Now they have blocked arteries that hurt a lot, so I need a hug.
My feet used to wear a size 12 D in a cowboy boot or a shoe.
Now I wear a size 14 EEE, I guess they flattened a little too.




As you can see this getting old thing definitely sucks big time,
I honestly feel like I wore my body out when fun times did shine.
All of you young people out there beware during your youth,
And take care of your bodies well, as I am telling the truth.




The old man described in the poem as he stands today waiting for another body part to wear out. Oh, to be the guy in the picture at the start of this poem again.




By Bill



Thanks for reading Growing Old,