Texas Tech Friends

Texas Tech Friends


During the time I attended Texas Tech College, I made several friends which I became very close to. We were all so busy building our lives when we got out of school, we mostly lost track of each other, never to meet again. Here’s a bit of the story.



Texas Tech Friends


My second year at Texas Tech I moved to the first floor of Wells Hall. Right across the hall from me were my friends “Skinny Boob” (Kenneth) and “Puss” (John) from my first year at Tech. We probably played every card game there ever was in the two years I was there,



  This is the exact Dorm Room we had at Wells Hall. When we played cards, two guys would sit on the bed and two guys in the two desk chairs.,the other side of the room was the mirror image of this one.



Skinny Boob was from New Brunfells, Texas, near San Antonio and was a blond headed German. Most people I know occasionally have toe jam that can be really smelly. Skinny Boob always had belly button Jam that always smelled awful. His favorite thing to do while we were playing cards was to stick his finger in his belly button and then stick it under my nose grossing me out with the smell. Each year when he went home for Thanksgiving, he brought back 20 pounds of deer sausage which we all feasted on as long as it lasted. Skinny Boob was studying Civil Engineering and ended up graduating the same year I did. He got a job with the Texas Highway Department building new highways and I never saw him again after I graduated.




Puss was from Borger, Texas, and was actually brought up in The First Christian Church as was I. He got his nickname because he was one of the most cautious guys we had ever met. Well, let’s face it, he was a Pussy. Puss was a clean freak, and was always cleaning up after everyone. Skinny Boob was a slob so as roommates they clashed a little. Puss was always getting these in grown whiskers which he spent hours picking out. I could never understand how one could get an in grown whisker, This kid named Dennis lived next door to them and he taught us all how to play Bridge. We were all fascinated by the card game that you actually had to think to play, and it ended up being our card game of choice after that. Puss got a degree in Chemistry and got a Job in Connecticut after he graduated. My cousin Rick and I went to Connecticut and met Puss to attend the worlds fair “Expo 67” in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, about a year after we graduated, and I never saw him again after that.




Thanks for reading Texas Tech Friends,