School Plays I Was In

School Plays I Was In


I was selected to be in a couple of school plays while attending school at Phillips. I can’t say I was an inspiring actor, but here the story.




School Plays I Was In


When I was in the second grade, Mrs Weston was our teacher, and she decided to put on a school play for the other classes and our parents . My cousin Ricky and I were given some special parts in our classes school play. I don’t remember to many specifics about the play, but most every one was some kind of a flower or plant in a huge garden that also had some butterflies, snails, and a couple of frogs. I don’t know how they decided what part to give my cousin Ricky and I, but I do believe we had fun being on the big stage. OK, Ricky and I were Pussy Willows and darn good ones at that. No wisecracks please. Everyone just loved the show and they especially liked the Pussy Willows. What fun we had.



 Yep, that’s Pussy Willow Bill on the left and Pussy Willow Rick on the right. I think Rick was enjoying acting a little more than I was.




When Ricky and I were in the 7th grade, we were both in the same Spanish class. Mrs Bisbee was the class teacher and she decided to do a school play about a bull fight. She selected a kid named Dickie Stewart to be the Matador perhaps because he had dark hair. Being selected for the Matador part kind of gave him the big head and he was acting like he was the cock of the walk. Ricky and I were selected to play the part of the bull. I was to be the head and Ricky was to be the ass end of the bull. We had our first dress rehearsal and Dickie was strutting around like he was king on the mountain which was really rubbing me the wrong way, so each time I made a pass at the red cape, I would stomp his feet with mine as I went by. This went on for four or five passes, and I guess old Dickie had had enough. He ratted us out to Mrs Bisbee and she fired Ricky and I right there on the spot. That ended my acting career forever. I waited for Dickie after class and made an appointment to meet him in the Park after school and he said he would be there. Myself and a group of guys looking to see a fight waited in the Park for an hour and Dickie never showed up. I didn’t tell the guys that were there, but I was really relieved he didn’t show up as that made me the winner by default with no cuts or bruises to show for it.



Well Rick, I guess we’ve just been fired from the bull roll. Good Bill, I’ve been gassed because you ate those baked beans today.



I guess I showed those two jokers who’s boss.






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