Burning Memories

Burning Memories 



We all have some memories that we would like to just forget,
But these are the ones that remain etched there, you can bet.
There was deep laced pain involved with each one for sure,
Here are a few of my memories that remain clear and endure.






Burning Memories



When I was 8, my grandfather Roy died of a heart attack,
It was my first experience with death of a loved one, it’s a fact.
I was deeply hurt and didn’t understand, and felt I had to cry.
My aunt told the kids that the wind was blowing in my eyes.








A while before this horrible event, we had shared our day
And gone to Borger Oilers baseball game to watch them play.
He bought me popcorn and pop and we both just had a ball.
Now he was gone from this earth, and I just wanted to bawl.








When I was 19, I had driven my car to a drive in movie show,
My cousin Ricky and our close friend Dickie both also did go.
We enjoyed the movie and all the cars were headed away
At the exit there was cars six deep to get on the highway.








I pulled out on the road, and things just went totally black.
We were hit in the side by a beer drinking speeder attack.
We lost Dickie that night and I was lower than low a long time.
It’s hard to talk about that night of my life without crying.








When I was 21, I was on my bunk in Wells Hall in Lubbock town,
When I heard an announcement the president was shot down.
President Kennedy had been shot in the head and was gone.
I could not conceive the terrible person this act could have done.








The whole country was in shock from this terrorism act.
We watched news for months trying to get all of the facts.
Although we believe we finally got all of the awful true story,
We still lost President John F. Kennedy in all of his glory.








When I was 58, I was on my computer and saw a news flash,
It was September 11, and someone had a strange plane crash.
A plane had flown into one of the World Trade Center twin towers.
It became clear we were under attack by some terrorist power.








The whole USA came together as one and declared a state of war,
Against Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda back stabbing horde.
He hid in caves for years, but the USA was in relentless pursuit
And sent the Navy Seals and Osama bin Laden they did shoot.








It seems strange it’s the bad memories we remember the best.
Perhaps, they have the greatest impact as our lives they do test.
Americans remember where they were when Kennedy was shot
Because it was such a shock, and it made our tempers all hot.






Perhaps these are the memories we need to keep in mind,
As they pull us together until the guilty culprits we do find.
So I’ve decided there is a reason we remember them clearly,
To help prevent similar events that would make us as teary.






By Bill






Thanks for reading Burning Memories,