Toe Jam


Toe Jam




Remember back when we were young boys and girls,
Out running all over the hill sides in our small world.
Loving our carefree lives with with no big worries,
With our dogs by our sides as along they did scurry.






Toe Jam




We all wore those high top tennis shoes, usually black,
As we ran up those red clay hills and then ran on back,
Kicking up that red dirt while running so very fast,
Usually leaving a red dust cloud behind as we ran past.

Those red clay hills where we roamed.









High top tennis shoes were made of canvas with loose knit,
And vulcanized  rubber soles with shoes strings that did fit.
While running, the clay dust sifted right through the canvas,
Ending up all over our little feet gathering in there very fast.

These high top tennis shoes usually didn’t smell very good.










As our feet sweated quite a lot from running so much,
All that red clay dirt flowed down with sweat it did touch,
Ending up accumulating between all our little old toes,
Making sticky red clay sweat wads on there real slow.

We sometimes played King on the mountain on those red clay hills.










After running off and on all day long out in the red hills,
Those sticky red clay sweat wad’s smell would kill,
We called the yucky stuff between our toes, “Toe Jam”,
And sometimes “Strawberry Toe Jam” as a little sham.

Man, I made enough Toe Jam for a sandwich.










When we pulled off our tennis shoes after a long day,
We sometimes pulled off our sweaty socks to stay,
We often then took our index finger and wiped there,
Between our toes to get a big wad of “Toe Jam” to share.







We would wipe our finger with the hunk of “Toe Jam” pie,
On the end of our friend’s nose standing very close by.
You can’t imagine how bad that “Toe Jam” did smell,
It was like something died a year ago way down in hell.

Don’t wipe that Toe Jam on my nose.










Once that terrible smell was deposited there on the nose,
You couldn’t even get it off with a yard garden hose.
And it often resulted in long chases trying to get revenge,
By sharing some of their “Toe Jam” to make me cringe.

Shoo Weee, that Toe Jam smells awful.









If you never smelled “Toe Jam” from between a kids toes,
You are really more fortunate than you will ever know.
I’ve only smelled one Jam that was worse than from toes,
That I mentioned in an earlier blog in that old fine prose.







When I was going to school down at Texas Tech College,
There was a kid called Kenny Boob always on edge,
That had “Belly Button Jam” that put “Toe Jam” right down,
With a smell that would knock you down on the ground.







Things like Toe Jam, Farts,and Belches were fun for boys,
Back when I was a very young man with not many toys.
I think that kids today have so many fun things to do,
That they don’t have to mess around like we had to.

Boys will be boys!








By Bill,






Thanks for reading Toe Jam,