Remembering Again


Remembering Again



Being of feeble body and strong mind may be a blessing,
As there is time to search deep into my mind addressing,
All those old memories still lingering inside there,
To capture them in a poem verse with very much care.








Remembering Again



My Mom had a gadget she kept in her kitchen drawer,
The thing had a wood handle and tool of heavy wire.
Mom used that thing twice a week when she did cook,
Can you remember this thing in the picture as you look?











Grandmother Kendrick had a red rubber bulb with a tube,
That she used quite often with some Vasoline lube.
Aurora Bell told me she felt better after used than before.
Can you tell what this thing from the past was used for?











My sister, JerrylDine, had a hand device she used each day.
As she got ready to go to school in her own special way.
I even tried it a time or two just for fun now and again,
Do you know what this thing is we used way back then?











My Dad had a device that he used once each week,
Made from steel as you can see when you take a peek.
It is a fine tool that he bought for a very specific use,
Do you know what this device was used for after review?












I had a special device I kept in my drawer as a boy,
That I used quite often when I used some of my toys.
That thing was often passing lots of that warm gas,
Do you know what this devise was used for at last?












My sister wore this thing on a string around her neck,
While running the sidewalks hard giving them heck.
It was a necessary tool of the day as she did play,
What is this device used often back in those days?












Mom had another brass device she kept in her kitchen,
We all used this thing occasionally way back then.
It was an operation that took some time for a sack,
Can you remember what this thing did way on back?












Mom used a device sometimes early in the morning,
That caused a spew and released aroma with no warning,
Making the kitchen smell so good even to a small boy,
Do you know what this thing is that looks like a toy?












Mom has a metal device in the kitchen hug on the wall.
She used this every single day cooking for us all.
Mom got all fired up when this devise was in play,
Do you recognize this thing everyone used each day?












I had a device that I dearly loved that was so cool to me,
It was small and provided hours of enjoyment you see,
I used that device for hours during day and night,
Do you remember what this device is by your sight?












By Bill






1. Potato Masher
2. Enema Bulb for giving yourself an Enema.
3. Blackhead Remover
4. Pipe Bowl Cleaner
5. Football Needle for airing up football.
6. Skate Key for attaching roller skates to shoes.
7. Nut Cracker
8. Coffee Can Key used to open the can back then that came attached to the can.
9. Match Box Holder
10. Rocket Crystal Radio with pull out antenna on top.






Thanks for reading Remembering Again,