Twitchy Fingers
My fingers have been really twitching a lot lately,
So I’ll try one more blog as I feel just a little flaky.
Even though I can’t see very well, I’m going to try again.
Once more to calm those fingers with my iPad pen.
Twitchy Fingers
This is Super Bowl weekend and I have moved my chair,
Closer to the TV as I think I can see the score there.
My cataract removal is the day after super Sunday.
So I’m struggling to write this but I’ll write it anyway.
Every team I have picked in the playoffs to win so far,
Have lost even after they all played football so hard.
So I’m picking New England to win so I may jinx them,
As I really want the Atlanta Falcons to get the big win.
Pam has been teaching elementary school all this week.
I have been digging around to take a small peek.
To locate some things that I would like to write about.
When my eyes see better, I will give you a shout.
I now have generated some ideas for Hawg Jaw Bill,
To keep those blog poems flowing out of me at will.
As you can see, I’m getting antsy as I sit here and wait,
For that fuzzy blur to be gone from my vision, I hate.
This is how I see TV now.
I am happy we have a new president named Trump,
Who jumped in with both feet to get us over the hump.
It is plain changes to make things better are on the way,
To make America great again during his office stay.
Hold on to your hats America, here we go.
I love writing these story poems as you already know,
To organize my thoughts in a form that does really flow.
Perhaps the reason I have done this so very long,
Is that I think it keeps my old wrinkled mind strong.
This will be a short poem as my left eye is now burning,
Even though my twitchy fingers do keep on yearning,
To write more story poems for future family to read,
So look for Hawg Jaw Bill soon as he is indeed in need.
They’re twitching like crazy.
By Bill
Thanks for reading Twitchy Fingers,