


As we plow through the joys and pains of our lives, we develop certain unwritten standards by which we live. Take the time to write them down and you’ll be surprised with what you come up with. Here’s some I wrote down a few years ago.




I mentioned in an earlier blog, that I had filled out “A Father’s Legacy” book a few years ago. At the end of each chapter there is a philosophical question. I thought I would share some of the questions in the book and the responses I wrote down to the questions.


Question: “What advice about life do you want others to remember?”


1. Do everything you do with high energy and take things to a finish.


2. Be true to yourself and leave a good impression about everything you do.


3. Be honorable and also do what you tell others you will do.


4. Do the job with something extra and leave a better impression.


5. Never take credit for work you didn’t do.


6. Always share success with others involved to promote good will.


7. Always remember there is more than one way to skin a cat.


8. Listen to others around you and you will find they have many ideas worth pursuing.


These philosophy’s will yield good results for family life, fun activities as well as your job.


Question: “Recall for me five of the most important lessons you have learned in life?”


1. If your conscience or instinct is telling you not to do something because it’s wrong, don’t do it.


2. Give that extra effort when you are doing something new to you, and most of the time you’ll out do the experts.


3. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (The Golden Rule)


4. If anything can go wrong, it will. Be prepared. (Murphy’s Law)


5. When you get into a real bind, turn to God for help, He will be there for you.


I have had personal experience with each of the lessons I listed. There are probably many many more lessons that could be listed that most of us probably learned the hard way. Enjoy life, but set yourself some standards to live by and you may be better off.



 Practicing my principles.  I am drinking my beer with high energy and with “that something extra” to leave a good impression because I told Buffalo I would out drink him tonight.



The Buffalo calling for reinforcements to try and keep up with old Hawg Jaw Bill in January this year.

Thanks for reading Insights,

Hawg Jaw Bill