Hawg Jaw’s Lament


Hawg Jaw’s Lament




Last night I was feeling a little frisky,
And I started this poem kind of risky,
As it is not my usual style that I use,
For new stuff, that to you, I introduce.








Hawg Jaw’s Lament




My name is Hawg Jaw, a very old fart,
With a white beard that sets me apart,
As I really don’t like to shave my face,
For fear of getting a bad cut someplace.












I have lots of old man aches and pains,
So I sit a lot while trying to stay sane.
To exercise my very old wrinkled brain,
I write story poems here in my domain.








I often wonder if my poems are rotten,
And if what I’ve done, will be forgotten,
Buried in a deep hole out on the Internet,
That all my family will very soon forget.

Hawg Jaw and Billy Bob comparing profiles.











But then the writing has been so good,
Keeping my old mind alert like it should.
I think writing has kept my mind fresh,
Making more bearable, pains of my flesh.








I have written things both good and bad,
About myself sometimes getting so rad.
Perhaps telling too much from past years,
But it helped me to release some old fears.












I bared my soul with not too much untold,
From my own birth until I grew so very old.
I’m not sure other people do tell their story,
Unless they are expecting some special glory.








I told my story as my own verbal legacy,
So future family will then know about me,
From my birth until death while I was here,
Even if I sometimes had too much beer.

Cheers !











I know very little about my granddads,
Except some words Mom wrote on a pad,
I have often wondered about their lives,
In times much tougher, surely full of strife.

The stories these two guys could tell me would rock my socks.










So I hope my family keeps the IP address,
To my blogs on the Internet on Word Press,
And passes them down for family to keep,
So they too can read about this black sheep.







Put the IP address where it will be found,
So all can read about Hawg Jaw’s renown.
When they get old enough to understand,
The actions of Hawg Jaw Bill, the old man.

Here’s to all my future family that reads this blog.










By Bill









Thanks for reading Hawg Jaw’s Lament,