Category Archives: True Stories

The Knee

The Knee


Sometimes events occur that really slow your life down. As an active senior, it can be painful in more ways than one. Heres the story of an event in my life that caused me extreme physical pain and a lot of mental anxiety for a long period of time. Continue reading

The Double Moon

The Double Moon

The Double Moon

Written with my iPad Notes App

Here’s a quote from a not so famous guy named Hawg Jaw Bill:

“When you think of one of those seemingly interesting things that happened in your past, you better write it down or it may be gone forever.”

I just recalled a happening that I want to record on my iPad Notes, so here it is. Continue reading

Original Artwork by HJB

iPad Notes App

iPad Notes App


I can hear you now, how can a senior citizen derive enjoyment from Notes on the iPad? I find that my creative juices flow better if I am sitting in my big boy recliner with my feet up and my iPad sitting on my stomach. So when I’m feeling like I want to generate something that might be worth sharing, I turn on the iPad and begin to write.

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